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A web developer’s mission to make the world a better place through bitcoin.


Hello World, this is Cipherchat! 🐈‍⬛

Today I am excited to open source and launch a new bitcoin lightning network application to the world called Cipherchat! It is an encrypted messaging app that leverages the power of lightning nodes to communicate privately.

Nov 12, 2023


Feature highlight AMBOSS SPACE

Recently I have taken a bit of a deep dive into the features offered by Amboss Space. First off, I want to have full disclosure that I will be joining the team at Amboss next month as a Frontend Engineer, which I am super excited about!

Jan 13, 2023


Privacy tools for the information age 🔐

When I was first learning how to code I created a website called Privacy Tech Resource which was a curated list of privacy tools that I have found useful and recommend others to use. I have since taken down that site, but thought I would write a blog post containing the same information and some updated resources too.

Nov 23, 2022


The state of bitcoin (plug and play) nodes 🌐

Everyone can run a bitcoin full node, and you should too!

Aug 23, 2022


How to accept bitcoin lightning tips on your website ⚡

Have you ever wondered how to accept bitcoin tips on your website? Well this is the guide for you!

Aug 5, 2022


How to Teach Yourself to Code and Start a New Career (or at least how I did it)

Over the past 9 or so months I have taught myself how to code and started a new career as a Web Developer. I thought I would make a blog post about my self-taught journey so that others may find some inspiration and/or useful information from it. So here it is - my tips and advice to those considering or starting their own coding journey!

Feb 2, 2022